When Life Throws You Lemons

How do you react? What do you do? How you react will impact how you process life and digest food.  Let me explain with a story. 

I was tested while on vacation.  I set out on what was advertised as a handicap friendly trail.  The Airbnb I was staying at had it as one of their recommended trails.  I was alone, but a couple rangers or trail keepers saw me set out.  They said, “enjoy your hike!” As I set out, I accidentally ended up off trail and climbing up a somewhat steep path.  I didn’t have cell reception.  It was hot, like 100 degree heat, and I was very tired and my sneakers weren’t holding up on the steep terrain.  I knew I couldn’t be too far as the entire trail was about 4.5 miles.  I began calling out “anyone there”, “help”...more so because I wanted to know how to get out, as I was exhausted.  No one answered.  I got 2 bars of service which allowed me to call my Airbnb and tell them I was lost and couldn’t check out in time and then contact the women I was supposed to meet.  She told me I must be off trail and that I would be headed towards the road most likely.  she said, “If you aren’t back in 30 min. I will send out a search party” and then the call dropped.  I kept going,  feeling more assured.  I ended up on a road with big gated homes and lots of signs that said no trespassing. 

(I came to the sign below, which made me laugh since I did survive! Also, upon further reflection I am encouraged to offer myself some compassion for being brave and stronger than I think I am.  Impassable, I think not!)

I began walking on the road and flagged a woman over who was driving by.  Apparently people get lost on that trail often she told me as I wasn’t her first encounter with a hiker. She gave me a lift to the government center,  since she was in a rush, which I tried to get a taxi or Lyft from to reach my car but there are NONE in this town (Nevada City, California).  A nice man offered to take me to my car after over- hearing my story.  I was so grateful.  I survived.  I made it. The Airbnb and women I was scheduled to meet were very accommodating and understanding.  

But it got me thinking about the way in which I handle things that don’t go as planned. Afterall, that’s life right? My nature is to panic.  But panic isn’t helpful.  It’s feeling safe and trusting and keeping the nervous system relaxed. I wasn’t in grave danger, I was just a little lost in the woods.  I repeated to myself  “I am going to be okay, I am looked out for” which I am proud of myself for.  I also know that engaging in a dialogue with the anxious part of me would have been helpful.  If I had said, “Something in me feels scared or frustrated”.  I was also feeling anger towards myself for not planning better and for getting off trail.  I might have felt into which emotion was the strongest and sensed into my bodily sensations.  I could have asked it, “What do you need to hear?”  “Can you protect me in a different way?” What do you need to know?” I was in a rush, alone, hot, tired, and pressed for time but even in such a moment, pausing and tuning in, would have helped me get through the journey with more ease.  

The acronym that I use is, PAL:  Pause, Acknowledge, Listen. 

I hope my tale encourages you to give yourself a moment to tune in when you need it.  It was certainly a good reminder for me!

And what does this have to do with digestion? Well the more grounded and at peace, we are with our emotions, and the more we can get into a rest and digest parasympathetic state of mind, the better we digest food.  So be a PAL to yourself.  

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The health seeker in me bows to the health seeker in you,

Thank you for being apart of this conscious community,


The sign I saw upon reaching the road...

PUBLISHED: JULY 12, 2023 at 1:18 AM EDT

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